The Wolf Conservation Center’s educational impact just got a whole lot broader. Thanks to a new partnership with WildEarth TV, an experienced live wildlife broadcaster, the WCC is bringing an unlimited number of visitors into the private lives of four breeding pairs of critically endangered wolves via unobtrusive cameras in and around anticipated den sites.
There are only approximately 300 red wolves and 400 Mexican gray wolves in the world, so maintaining numbers in the wild and captivity is crucial. As part of Species Survival Plans (SSPs) for these critically endangered animals, the WCC acts as caretaker for 6 red wolves and 16 Mexican gray wolves, all of which are owned by the United States government under the Endangered Species Act. This spring there are 4 breeding pairs (2 of each species) at the WCC, including one pair of red wolves that successfully bred in 2010.
Established in 1999 by Hélène Grimaud – whose two passions are classical music and wolves – the Wolf Conservation Center’s founding mission was to teach the public about the crucial role wolves play in a healthy, sustainable environment.